SIPOL® strongly believes that guaranteeing Customer Satisfaction on products and services provided is the highest priority for our Company. The way to achieve this passes through product and process quality, technical reliability, timeliness in the management of commercial relations, punctuality in deliveries and flexibility in accepting advanced requests.
This idea is supported by both the need to comply with current standards, laws and regulations, and also the will to use resources rationally and to maintain a high level of attention to the health and safety of our workers. To this end, the necessary measures to avoid waste, prevent environmental pollution and accidents and occupational diseases have been taken by the Management.
Consolidation of the results achieved and continuous improvement of performances are implicit in the constant application of the Integrated Quality, Environment and Safety Management System and in compliance with other regulations and certifications in force:

UNI ISO 9001: 14001: 45001 Certifications
Integrated Company Management System for Quality, Environment and Safety in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards.

Sustainability Report
Sipol presents the first Sustainability Report together with the Tecnogi group.
Sipol strongly believed in this initiative which represents a fundamental growth step in the corporate culture.
It is now simplistic to define a company only from an economic -financial point of view, the concept of company is much broader and includes relationship with the stakeholders and the surrounding environment.
This vision has always belonged to Sipol and Tecnogi Group which has been dedicating itself for years with dedication and commitment.
The Sustainability Report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting standards (in short “GRI Standards”), the sustainability reporting standards whose reference principles and indicators are the most widespread and applied internationally.
Copy of the sustainability report available on demand.

Code of Ethics
Sipol SpA, sensitive to the need to ensure conditions of correctness, transparency and legality in the conduct of corporate activities, to protect its image and position on the market, as well as the work of all personnel employed, has adopted its own Code of Ethics and has defined and implemented an Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01 (Model for short).

REACH Regulation
Each product is manufactured in full compliance with REACH regulations.

Satra Membership
Sipol is a member of SATRA, an internationally recognized independent authority in the footwear and leather goods sectors, confirming our commitment to quality, safety and performance of products and services.

IMDS System
Products supplied to the automotive industry are listed in the International Materials Data System (IMDS).

TECHNIPOL® Bio 1160, TECHNIPOL® Bio 1164, TECHNIPOL® Bio 1120,
TECHNIPOL® Bio 1124, TECHNIPOL® Bio 1125 e TECHNIPOL® Bio 1129
are OK compost INDUSTRIAL certified.

OK compost HOME
TECHNIPOL® Bio 1160, TECHNIPOL® Bio 1164, TECHNIPOL® Bio 1120,
TECHNIPOL® Bio 1124, TECHNIPOL® Bio 1125 e TECHNIPOL® Bio 1129
are OK compost HOME certified.

Life Cycle Assessment LCA
LCA study has been carried out in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 14067:2018
We can assure the cradle-to-gate analyses. This is an assessment of a partial product life cycle from resource extraction (cradle) to Sipol’s gate.
Information available upon request.

Biobased Copolymers
Most of our polymers are made with monomers coming from renewable sources.